Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Myths of a Yr Ago Are Now True --

From Blue Collar Republican:

"A year ago, the NAFTA highway was touted as an internet “myth”. Guess what?
It is being built and Rudy Giuliani’s
law firm (our leading GOP Presidential contender) is handling the whole affair for the Spanish company building it through Texas!

So I guess the Chinese controlling the
ports in Panama and the Bush Administration opening our borders to Mexican trucks is just a figment of my imagination. Why is it so unreasonable that mega-companies might wish to by-pass American dockworkers and truckers to feed goods into the American market? I also guess it is just my kookiness that leads me to question why the Bush Administration refuses to aggressively enforce the border and immigration policies, opting instead to push through an amnesty bill which also had provisions to strengthen the SPP initiative.

Perhaps some will disagree with me, and that is okay. But I believe that
preserving our industrial base is important to our national survival. We were
able to defend ourselves during the WWII era due to our industrial base being
there and capable of converting to wartime production. Now we have a hard time
finding an American company that produce enough armor plating to protect
transport and humvee crews. Yet that really is the topic of another

“Lunatics and losers” like me see the movement of many pieces towards the
same end. Is it a conspiracy? I don’t know, but I certainly see a movement by
certain factions of our government to expand trade to the point that it
completely undermines the American worker (of which I am one). I also see this
common thread known as the Council on Foreign Relations (
CFR) started by mega-corporatists
almost a century ago. Whether the goal is a “one world order”, or a North
American Union, or something entirely different, only those promoting this
latest sell-out of American labor can really answer.


I also understand the lust for power and wealth that drives some to that
end without regard to those of us known as the governed. I also know that
Freedom requires due vigilance to insure and defend against such. So I think
this “loser” will just keep on watching if you don’t mind."


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